The Israeli strikes, both security and military-related, must be critically examined, particularly in light of their success in various regions and against multiple targets. These strikes eventually led to the assassination of Hezbollah’s...
Polls show that a large percentage of Israeli citizens have lost faith in the future of their nation Major General (Reserve) in the Israeli Army, and former...
Most dismissed retired IDF general Yitzhak Brick’s warning earlier this year of a Hamas invasion. Now Netanyahu wants his advice on how to win. Yitzhak...
Toronto, Frankfurt (2/11 – 42) World media are jumping all over the conflagration in Gaza following the 7 October attack, killing 1400 Israelis and kidnapping...
The IDF and the Ukrainian Armed Forces have approximately the same number of “NATO” caliber guns. Recently it became known that the United States will transfer...
US president said Americans must not walk away from their role as a ‘beacon to the world’ in rare Oval Office address Joe Biden has drawn a direct, provocative...
Paris, Frankfurt (13/10 – 42) Twenty-First Century technology has a way of speeding everything up – often overdriving events beyond human control...
Following the Israeli election victory, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will have less than one month to form what the world estimated to be...