Synopsis Today, armed conflicts rage across the globe, from Ukraine to Gaza, Lebanon to Sudan, Libya and Afghanistan-Pakistan border, destabilising nations, regions, and even the global order. Terrorist attacks and state responses create ripple...
Dmitry Golenkov served as chief of staff of an aviation squadron, and was found dead with head injuries likely “caused by hammer,” per HUR. The Main...
“They were plotting to kill a huge number, tens of thousands of people at this concert, I am sure many Americans,” CIA Deputy Director David S. Cohen said...
Women’s clothes are high on the government’s agenda once again in Tajikistan, where authorities and Islamic leaders are working on new guidelines...
Washington/Vienna/Berlin (10/8 – 45.45)After a tip-off by U.S. intelligence officials and only a few hours left Austrian police made swift arrests. The plot...
Frankfurt, Paris (14/7 – 23) United States presidential candidate Donald Trump was shot while giving a speech in Pennsylvania, on Saturday (13/7) local time...
Security forces in Afghanistan killed a number of Tajik and Pakistani nationals and arrested scores others involved in attacks against religious clerics, the...
London (28/11 – 58) Tajikistan’s human rights record continues to deteriorate amid an increased crackdown on freedom of expression and the political...
As the war in Israel rages, an ongoing struggle to control the narrative of the conflict is unfolding between Hamas and the Jewish state. This propaganda...
Colombo (25/7 – 30.77) In his book “Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community,” terrorism expert Dr. Rohan...