Home » New Exhibit Announced at Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum
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New Exhibit Announced at Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum

WATERLOO, Iowa (KWWL) – This Veterans Day, Americans nationwide took the time to thank all veteran’s for their service in the fight for our freedom.

The Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum in Waterloo welcomed in all veterans and active duty military members for free Saturday. they also showed a program dedicated to Iowa’s naval heritage and service of Iowa veterans during World War Two.

Plans were also unveiled to begin building a new exhibit in the museum based on the first steel battleship. The USS Iowa BB-4 which was in service during the18th and 19th century during the Spanish-American War.

The ship was the largest, fastest, and mightiest battleship of its era. It was the first ocean going battleship in the country, meaning it was designed specifically to carry on operations overseas.

The Veterans Museum is currently collecting artifacts for the exhibit. A timeline for when they plan for it to be finished is not known. 

Source : kwwl.com
